The landscape of E-commerce is being redrawn at a furious pace. Traditional models are being challenged and platform models are becoming an increasingly interesting alternative for many players. Having the opportunity to broaden their range and at the same time not having to sit on their own stock attracts many for obvious reasons.
Many traditional e-retailers with large inventories have recently been hit extremely hard by the crisis the world is currently experiencing. Not all of these companies will survive, we have already seen more examples of people losing their jobs when once prosperous brands and chains are now forced to apply for bankruptcy.
To act quickly and be aware of how the outside world is changing is a key to be successful in this industry. We meet several companies that have been hit hard but who nevertheless choose to accelerate their efforts to change how to do business online and stand well equipped when round 2 begins. The path you choose now will definitely be decisive for how successful and resilient when tomorrow comes.
Paragaia helps our clients in everything from early stage advisory to concrete choices of platforms and systems. When you need technical expertise to realize your platform project, you can count on us taking you all the way to the finish line.
How can we help you? Get in touch to start the discussion today!